Tuesday 12 January 2016

Christmas Catch-up

Well 2016, here we are. 12 days in and scarcely a frost to be seen.* My hopes of a delightfully cold white Christmas were thwarted, but despite that, we had lots of food and drink and plenty of laughter. Quite a bit of blobbing on the sofa watching TV too, if I'm honest, but that was really what we desperately needed. Semester 1 (Oct-Dec) was a bit mad last year, so I felt properly wrung out by the time Christmas rolled around.

I didn't do very much sewing at all for Christmas. I'm not a homemade gift giver (sewing for others still fills me with fear) but I did manage to make myself a super cheesy Christmas dress! I bring you, the Christmas Moneta dress! Ta dah!!!

It really is quite cheesy, being only a step up from a Christmas jumper, but I actually really like it!! It's a bit mad, but properly festive and thanks to the lovely Moneta shape - it's pretty and feels a bit fancy. Plus...stretchy fabric on Christmas day with the illusion of a waist-line?! WIN! It's funny fabric - slightly furry. I wouldn't call it a fleece, but it's on its way to being a fleece. I suspect it was originally fabric intended for adult onesies or something awful. It has now been packed away for next year, but it did Christmas proud!

Here's a pic of it in action on Christmas day...

I had also intended to make a more chic Christmas dress to wear as well out of some gorgeous Liberty lawn in a pretty berry pattern that I bought. But Christmas arrived really quite quickly, so that fabric will have to be put to another use. Maybe a summery Anna dress - it's pinks and reds and greens...that doesn't have to be Christmassy.

Anyway, that's the extent of my Christmas sewing, but here is one more pic of me doing some Christmas cake icing (I decorated the cake as a present with a red bow), wearing one of my Coco dresses (layered over a RTW black merino from NZ). Not sure if I've blogged about this dress or not, but I do rather love it.

And so we leave 2015...a year of lots of sewing, quite a bit of progress and exciting work developments which relate to sewing. I'm happy with my efforts in 2015, although I think I need to push myself a bit more in 2016 - I want to work on my fit skills, and try to develop a couple more skills or techniques. I got into a bit of a knit fabric/jersey habit this year, which has been wonderful because I've realised how much I love wearing comfy fabrics, but they do allow me to be lazy with fit issues. Here's hoping 2016 will be the year of the fabulous fit!

*snow is forecast for Thursday. I am stocking up in the hopes of a proper snow day! 

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