Thursday 4 February 2016

Sewing Plans

My head seems to be full of sewing projects at the moment. This happens quite a lot, of course, but I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by it! So - it's time to make a list! Here's what I'm thinking for the next week while...

Anima Pants

I finally cut my first attempt at these out last night, so now all I need to do is sew them up. The faux fly front is wigging me out a bit, but otherwise they seem pretty straight-forward. The fabric I'm using is fugly light grey sweatshirting that I bought when attempting to match grey to my earlier Liberty Linden, so they're not going to be pretty but hopefully they'll be a wearable toile. I'm hoping if it works that I can get some nice jersey to make a pair I could leave the house in, and then I plan to blatantly copy Katie's woven Anima's because I'm desperate for trousers that aren't jeans, but aren't trackies. Fingers crossed...

Next Up...

Liberty Dress
I got this beautiful Liberty cotton/wool mix (it's like a lightweight twill maybe?) in Glasgow just before Christmas. I love it a lot - it's got gorgeous drape and enough heft to wear much of the year round, and the pattern is - I think - amazing. I'm either going to make another Megan dress (because a sleeveless Megan is the most comfortable woven-fabric dress I've ever worn), or a Colette Phoebe dress. Can't decide. If I go with Phoebe, I'm going to need to make a practice version first because I don't want to be wrecking Liberty. I'm lazy, soo...let's call this a Probable Megan.

Another Linden
I know, I know...I promised no more Lindens for a while, but then Lauren at Guthrie and Ghani only went and got a special delivery of a few Liberty sweatshirt fabrics so what was I meant to do!?! Argh. I knew they were going to sell out super quickly, so avoided my usual humming and haaing nonsense and just snapped up this bad bad of gorgeousness. So much love for this. It's definitely going to be a Linden...probably with grey raglan sleeves again. I'm so boring, but I give no shits - I love these jumpers so much!

Surprise Fabric Gifts
My lovely Aunt in NZ went to that shop I got all the gorgeous wool fabrics at when I was home in June last year and got me fabric treats! It was such a nice surprise to get such a beautiful gift! She's sent me two pieces of merino jersey fabric - one in a pattern, and another plain. Neither one is my normal colour palette (being that I'm a boring blues and blacks kind of girl normally) but they're much too pretty not to use.

The patterned one is a medium weight jersey with quite a bit of stretch. It's SO soft and snuggly - it'll be like wearing a hug! She has given me 2 metres I think which is AMAZING. I can definitely get a dress from this, but I can't decide whether to go with my TNT Moneta pattern, or whether to try a Myrtle. I think a Myrtle may actually look better in this. Granted it seems mad to make a sleeveless dress in wool jersey, but let's be honest - I live in Britain, so it's not like it ever really gets hot enough that I couldn't wear it in summer. And in winter, I can layer another top under it and/or a cardi over the top. The biggest hurdle for this plan is that I haven't yet stuck the PDF together and it's like, A THOUSAND PAGES *sigh* (ok, 60. But still...).

With the plain piece, I only have a metre. It's incredibly fine - so fine you could hardly believe it was wool. I'll either make a lovely bright teeshirt (Oh hello Emmeline...did you miss me?) or if there's enough, I'd love to start trying to make some cardigans. I have the Jenna cardi (cropped style) in mind.

PHEW. That seems quite a bit. And it doesn't include finishing the wrap dress I'm almost done with, or the Secret Valentine Exchange gift I need to get my arse into gear and make. Or the baby sweatshirt I promised my friend. Or the breastfeeding appropriate top I promised her as well!

To the Sewing Machines!

1 comment:

  1. Liberty Linden ...WOW! Can't wait to see that sewn up!
